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Monoclonal Antibody Pause

With the emergence of the Omicron variant, the federal government has "paused" distribution of Regeneron, since it doesn't work as well against Omicron. But there's still a lot of delta out there (it's 99% of cases here in Indiana) and some places are running out of monoclonal antibodies, and the federal government is actively preventing states from getting them . In the US, call 211 if you're a candidate for monoclonal antibodies (COVID positive, mild to moderate symptoms within ten days of onset, and at high risk for progression of the illness). They might still have some where you live. If you're ivermectin-curious, now is the time to order some since many hospitals and pharmacists are actively preventing patients from getting it even when it's prescribed. I'm not a medical professional, and I don't know for a fact that it works on COVID. But there's little else available for early treatment, it does have anti-viral properties in the lab

Merry Christmas!

  Photo taken by my cousin at the Cleveland Botanical Garden Glasshouse .  I'm back from a wonderful Christmas in Cleveland, where my cousins and I watched movies, went to the botanical gardens and had lunch a restaurant in Little Italy . The botanical gardens had wreaths, gingerbread houses, table settings and Christmas trees created by dozens of different garden societies and individuals vying for first place. The glass house was full of butterflies and tropical plants--some of them arranged to look like Christmas trees, like the one in the picture. Outside, white statice was still in bloom and I could even smell some of the herbs. I saw roses (dormant) that I hadn't seen since I moved away from Denver: alba semi-plena, Marchesa Bocella and Salet. Hmm...maybe these could do well in Indianapolis.  Oddly, most people were wearing masks outside in the gardens even though COVID has little to no spread outdoors, and cloth masks don't stop aerosol particles. At the two Wendy

Covidian Professor: "Cloth Masks are Little More than Face Decorations"

CNN's Leana Wen, their in-house panic peddler and forced vaccination fanatic, said yesterday that "cloth masks are little more than face decorations." She recommended three-ply surgical masks instead, along with an elaborate purifying ritual for being around other people at Christmas.  . @DrLeanaWen : "Don't wear a cloth mask. Cloth masks are little more than facial decorations. There's no place for them in light of Omicron." — (@townhallcom) December 21, 2021 Let me explain why cloth masks are face decorations since Wen didn't: aerosols readily go through and around the masks . COVID is spread by aerosols. However, that makes surgical masks face decorations as well, since aerosols go through and around them, too. Watch in the video below (link here ): What to wear on your face? Aly Art shows you how to find your best shade of red lipstick (link here ). Wear it proudly--be beautiful AND smart!

This is Why we Don't Believe Experts or the Media 2

The lies, mistakes and total nonsense just keep on coming from the experts and the media. Here's a roundup of what I've seen today without even searching for it. CDC Director Denies Myocarditis in 5-11 Year Olds who Took COVID Vaccines CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told ABC News on December 10 , "We haven't seen anything yet [in 5-11 year olds]. We have an incredibly robust vaccine safety system, and so if [problems] were there, we would find it."  Yet in a CDC repor t, a slide dated the same day noted 14 reports of myocarditis in that age group, eight of which were followed up on and "met CDC working case definition for myocarditis." (By the way, I wasn't able to find this report even with a highly tailored Google search. turned it up.) Follow-up is in progress for other five reports, and one is under review. Click image to enlarge. "No problems." Source : Adverse events among children ages 5–11 years after COVID-19 vaccination:

Monoclonal Antibodies: How to Get Them, Plus a New Version

Regeneron/Ronapreve Call 211 (in the US) I've heard anecdotes from people who had a hard time getting an appointment for monoclonal antibodies. A city councilor here in Indianapolis recently had to be persistent and get a friend's doctor to intervene to get an appointment an hour's drive away . The news station he talked to advises readers to call 211 (in the US) to find the nearest facility that can treat you. If you're in Florida, you can just go to a Regeneron center . In Europe, it's called Ronapreve and different conditions apply for receiving treatment. Monoclonal antibodies are for COVID-positive patients with mild to moderate symptoms who are at high risk of progression of the illness. They need to be administered within ten days of onset of symptoms. They can also be administered to people who are at high risk of catching COVID. Again--different conditions might apply outside the US. Efficacy Against Omicron? Regeneron says its monoclonal antibodies have &

Cardiologist Warns of Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis

Cardiologist Peter McCullough talks about vaccine-induced myocarditis with biologist Bret Weinstein. I've transcribed highlights and found links to back up Dr. McCullough's statements. I had a hard time confirming his statements about background rates vs. VAERS reports (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System): myocarditis/pericarditis reports for the US total 4,242 according to (accessed today); they total 19,039 if you include "nondomestic" (foreign) reports. However, the CDC's own report  on slide 8 shows rates of myocarditis many times above the background rate for young men and boys. In fairness, though--almost all of these sources were difficult to find.  Link to the video is  here .  Our vaccine program would have been shut down in February for excess mortality in America--it would have been very similar to the swine flu vaccine in 1976. Our tolerance for new biologics and death is five cases gets a black box [warning] , 50 cases, it's off

Federal Vaccine Mandate Scorecard

Here's the latest status of the federal vaccine mandate lawsuits: OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) requirement for companies of 100 or more employees to be vaccinated test frequently, from the Daily Wire : The U.S. Appeals Court for the Sixth Circuit ruled late on Friday that Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration can resume enforcing a vaccine mandate on companies with 100 or more employees. The Daily Wire  and dozens of other businesses filed an appeal to the Supreme Court to block the mandate. The CMS requirement for  Medicare and Medicaid   certified providers such as  hospitals, long-term care facilities, home-health agencies, and hospices is on in some states and off in the rest .  It is enjoined in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.  The articl

Book Deal: Pandemia by Alex Berenson is $2.99

What more could you possibly want to hear about the pandemic, you might be wondering. I had my doubts, too, but I finally ended up buying Pandemia because Alex Berenson's spicy takes have been more entertaining than anything I've read in a long time. I'm glad I got the book. I'm still in the middle of listening to it on my long commute, but I'm recommending it now because the Kindle version is on sale. Get this book! It's informative, it's well-researched, it's engrossing, you'll say, "I remember when that happened!" It has information that even I hadn't come across.  Having covered the pharmaceutical industry long before the pandemic, Berenson was scooping the rest of the media by months in his reporting on the vaccines. He was ultimately banned from Twitter for saying that COVID vaccines didn't prevent infection or transmission--facts repeated yesterday by Anthony Fauci and others a few days ago in the New England Journal of Medic

Shopping for Scarce Items

Even though there haven't been runs on groceries or other supplies for over a year, some of the shelves are still bare. Nevertheless, I've found most of what I've been looking for: garden shrubs, holiday tea, flavoring, supplements and ivermectin. I'm not affiliated with any of these vendors. Bottlebrush plant ( fothergilla gardenii) Photo from dasfarms at Etsy I'm going to plant the last strip of grass by the sidewalk with native perennials and a few bottlebrush plants next year. I have the perennial seeds--some of them are already stratifying in the refrigerator--but I wanted a few bottlebrush plants, too. It's a North American shrub with fragrant blooms that look like--well, bottle brushes in the spring. The fall color is beautiful. But the dwarf size is hard to find! I finally found some at dasfarms on Etsy, a shop with lots of positive reviews at Dave's Garden . The owner said the mature size depends on soil and water. They'll be going on a south-fa

This Just In: Triple-Jabbed Getting COVID

Some experts have finally gotten the memo that this ISN'T a pandemic of the unvaccinated--by getting COVID themselves. Twelve "super responsible," "risk-averse," triple-jabbed doctors and "health experts" attended a wedding in Wisconsin and caught COVID. They've since infected at least five people, according to the San Francisco Chronicle .  The five people mentioned in the tweet below were at the wedding.  At least five omicron COVID cases detected in Berkeley and Alameda County. They are part of an outbreak involving 12 total cases linked to a wedding held in Wisconsin last weekend. @sfchronicle — Aidin Vaziri (@MusicSF) December 4, 2021 It's time to " stop calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated ," said Dr. Deb Furr Holden, an epidemiologist who thinks she contracted COVID at the wedding.  Two cheers for Dr. Holden for admitting this--I'd give her three if she went a little further: the mandatory v

Leading the Way in the Fight Against COVID!

As our dear leaders warn about surge upon surge of the coronavirus, wag their fingers at the unmasked, and lecture the unboosted, they're living like it's 2019 after five o'clock.  Less than a month after Finland's prime minister worried about the burden on hospitals , she was caught clubbing after being exposed to COVID . Although the PM is vaccinated, it should be common sense and common knowledge by now that vaccinated people can easily spread COVID. T heir neighbors in Iceland figured this out back in August --" A nd it has come to light that vaccinated individuals can contract it relatively easily and spread infection. Sequencing has shown us that the origin of most domestic infections can be traced to group events such as clubbing in downtown Reykjavík or group trips abroad," said their Chief Epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason. Here in the states, mask/vax fanatics Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden were caught with their masks down. Screen shot from "Democra

Hospitals Abandoning Vaccine Mandates

The COVID-19 vaccine mandates are going up in smoke as hospital systems across the country are "pausing" them for employees. The recent injunctions on federal mandates didn't stop private employers from requiring vaccinations, but several major private hospital systems have changed course anyway. The surge in COVID hospitalizations in northern states, along with the shortage of health care workers that has nothing to do with making them get an experimental injection,  might have encouraged the change in their policies. Here in Indiana, the House has drafted bills to officially end our "state of emergency" and outlaw forced COVID vaccinations . Under the bill, employers with a vaccine mandate would have to offer and pay for a testing option.  In DC, Joe Manchin of West Virginia has become the first Democrat senator to support a bill initiated by Indiana's Mike Braun to overturn the OSHA vaccine mandate . Somewhere, I read that West Virginia would be more har

This is Why we Don't Believe Experts or the Media

Photo from Pexels . Worst Surge Ever That's the warning over at  our local Fox affiliate . After quoting doctors warning about surge upon surge and massive ramifications and not enough beds in the city,  the article quotes Dr. Paul Calkins, the Associate Chief Medical Executive at IU Health: “There may be a few people alive that saw the flu kill millions of people in 1918 but other than those people nobody has ever seen anything like this before,” Dr. Calkins said. Oh really. Hospitalizations (both with and because of COVID) are surging, but deaths are not.  From To be charitable, maybe he's talking about the COVID pandemic in general and he was quoted out of context. But the article, with the headline about the WORST SURGE EVER (referring to Community Health's contingency plans) makes it sound like the pandemic is worse than ever right now . But anybody who goes to the state's coronavirus website can see that's a wild exaggeration. 

Federal Vax Mandate for Health Care Workers Now Blocked in Every State

Denied! Photo from Pexels . The scheme to force vaccinations on health care workers has gotten another injunction, this one covering all the states not covered by a previous injunction. The mandate would have forced health care employers receiving money from Medicare or Medicaid to fire unvaccinated "health care providers, suppliers, owners, employees and others."  Medicare and Medicaid are government programs that help the old, the poor and the very sick receive medical care. Assisted living and nursing homes commonly accept money from the programs, and the mandate would have forced many of them to close their doors for lack of employees.  The injunction "shall remain in effect pending the final resolution of this case, or until further orders from the Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth District, or the United States Supreme Court." In other news, "a US District Court Judge...found that President Joe Biden exceeded his authority by issuing

NO federal mandate in effect right now requires vaccination before 12/6

 From Indiana's Attorney General: Except for employers that independently mandate the vaccine, NO federal mandate in effect right now requires vaccination before 12/6. — Todd Rokita (@AGToddRokita) November 30, 2021 Rokita adds, "If you are an employee of a Medicaid or Medicare provider concerned about the CMS federal vaccine mandate deadline of 12/6, be aware that my office filed for an injunction that will be decided by 12/5. "Sign up for the Rokita Review for the latest updates on our three lawsuits against the Biden vaccine mandates."

COVID Surges Amidst 118% Vax Rate; Better News Sources; What I Regret

Gibraltar has canceled official Christmas celebrations over surging COVID cases. Its >100% vaccination rate is due to "doses given to Spaniards who cross the border to work or visit the territory every day," according to RT .  The article continues, "Similarly well-vaccinated countries have also reported surges in Covid-19 infections recently. In Singapore, where 94% of the eligible population have been inoculated, cases and deaths soared to record highs at the end of October, and have since subsided slightly. In Ireland, where around 92% of the adult population is fully vaccinated, cases of Covid-19 and deaths from the virus have roughly doubled since August." As I said months ago, if you can get COVID, you can spread COVID, and vaccinated people are obviously getting and spreading COVID. This study in The Lancet found vaccination only reduced household transmission of the delta variant from 38% to 25%. This preprint of a huge study found vaccination modestl

Vax Mandate Closes Emergency Room

A Long Beach, New York emergency room has closed due to staffing shortages. At least they're admitting it's because of the state's vaccine mandates and not claiming that dozens of employees suddenly quit because of stress. Story here . Mount Sinai Long Beach hospital fired 72 healthcare staff due to vaccine mandate, and then closed down due to staff shortage. This is stupid beyond imagination 🤯 — Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 24, 2021 COVID vaccines don't stop infection or spread, they only slow it down a little . Nevertheless, the ER has been closed to keep you safe . The hospital says it's just temporary until they find more employees, who are going to come from...where, exactly? While the ER is closed, patients can rush to the nearest emergency room five miles away, presumably through New York City's gridlocked traffic.  This closure was due to a state mandate, but hospitals and doctors offices are likewise driving the clow

Happy Thanksgiving!

 It's Thanksgiving, and at my house, that means it's time for...stratifying seeds to plant next year.  Native perennial seeds. Click to enlarge. Eighty-seven plants are going to replace the last strip of lawn along the south side of my house next year. I am feeling up to the job! But first, most of the seeds will have to put in a wet coffee filter in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for a month or two. This simulated winter will let the seeds know it's time to sprout. Then I will plant them in seed trays and put them under LED lights in the basement. The plants should be full-grown in 2023.  As for Thanksgiving dinner, somehow I don't miss it this year. I disbanded my meetup group a few years ago and the cousin I spent Thanksgiving with last year is visiting relatives in Kansas. Before the meetups and the cousin, Thanksgiving usually meant a big, noisy affair with little kids running around screaming and adults who didn't make two words of conversation because they

Cult Leaders Won't Tell you to Leave the Cult

If you're waiting on COVID cult leaders to tell you it's OK to get together for Christmas or Thanksgiving, you might as well give away your turkey pan and stock up on fish sticks. If you're waiting on the cult leaders to tell you to shuck the mask, you'll be observing modesty laws forever. As long as COVID is around--probably forever--they're going to tell you to hide from it.  We have monoclonal antibodies, steroids, ivermectin (which I think works, at a minimum, as an antiviral), and probably soon we'll have Pfizermectin and Ivermercktin (antiviral pills from Pfizer and Merck). Unless you're at high risk, why worry? We know the shots do little to prevent infection or spread, which leaves herd immunity. The only thing lockdowns do is delay getting there.  I'm going out to eat on Thanksgiving, and I don't care how crowded the restaurant is. (My cousin and her husband in Ohio went to spend Thanksgiving with family in Kansas and stopped by on the way.)

Ivermectin for my Cold: How it Went

Disclaimer: please note I'm not a medical professional.  Last week I took ivermectin for what turned out to be a cold. I'd been feeling tired and had a little congestion, but didn't feel sick until Monday morning. I took a COVID test Tuesday (the soonest I could get one), and Tuesday evening started taking ivermectin.  I immediately felt better. Maybe there was a placebo effect; maybe it really started working that fast. Still, I got very tired early in the evening Tuesday and Wednesday, which is unusual for me, and had a runny nose. But the mildly miserable feeling you get when you're fighting a cold was gone. I am still coughing, but it's a dry, itchy cough. The only other cold remedies I took were a few doses of Mucinex and lots of cough drops. I felt well enough yesterday to go out in the cold and plant some fountain grass. I'd have planted the 15 coral bell plants I bought on sale, but it got dark. Today has been snowy and windy.  The ivermectin affected my

Forced Vaccination Fanatics Foiled Again

The Fifth Circuit Court just rejected the Justice Department's request to lift the freeze on OSHA's crazy forced vaccination scheme. From NBC News ,  "On the dubious assumption that the mandate does pass constitutional muster, which we need not decide today, it is nonetheless fatally flawed on its own terms," the court wrote, signaling the uphill legal battle facing the administration... "[H]ealth agencies do not make housing policy, and occupational safety administrations do not make health policy," the court wrote. "In seeking to do so here, OSHA runs afoul of the statute from which it draws its power and, likely, violates the constitutional structure that safeguards our collective liberty." Sorry, Brandon! Photo from Pixabay . It sounds like OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) doesn't have the authority to make people get a vaccination just for showing up at work, contrary to the blue checky-checks who insisted it did. T

Link to Vaccinated Giraffes that Died

My email services ( is sending everything that looks like a video to YouTube, and the link above it in the email doesn't start at the correct time. The correct link is here , or you can go my post that I've corrected and watch it. If that doesn't work, the giraffe talk is on Dark Horse Podcast 103 and starts at 1:19:06.  Screen shot from Dark Horse Podcast 103 on Apologies for any inconvenience.

COVID Comedy--Links Updated

Note: the link on the video is now updated to start at the correct time. Apologies for any inconvenience. I had to laugh at  an article written by a COVID cultist over at  The Atlantic . Why do I say COVID cultist? The author wears an N95 mask outdoors by himself: check. Has a non-binary child: check. Refers to people who support traditional vaccines as anti-vaxxers: check. Still working from home: it sounds like it. Photo from Pixabay . The author, a 39-year-old, double-jabbed endurance athlete who mentions no comorbidities among his wife or young children, agonized over attending an out-of-state wedding. After much soul searching (that is, looking at people on social media out having a good time), he strapped on his N95 mask and ventured out. At the wedding, he was shocked to find people partying like politicians and celebrities do when they think the cameras are off. He shucked the mask and joined them . On returning home, he started feeling ill and got not one, not two, but THREE C

COVID Test Result is In

I don't have COVID.  On the one hand, it would have been a relief to have finally caught COVID and gotten natural antibodies, especially from having a mild case of it. On the other hand, I was concerned about my dog catching it from me (he's healthy, but nine years old) and it might have interfered with Thanksgiving plans.  Until I'm well, I'll stay home.

I'm Taking Ivermectin while Awaiting COVID Test Results; My Chicken Soup Recipe

It hit me Sunday night. After feeling tired and a little congested for a few days, I went to bed with a sore throat. Monday, I called in sick. The next day, I took a COVID test at a CVS drive through, worked from home and decided to go to bed early. But that day, I saw this video on Pfizer's new antiviral pill. I'd seen some videos from this YouTuber, John Campbell, before--he's pretty gung-ho on COVID vaccines. So I was surprised to see him talking up ivermectin, and I'm even more surprised it's still on YouTube: he describes how ivermectin does exactly the same thing the new Pfizer antiviral pill does, plus inhibit COVID in five other ways. It looks like the new drug is "Pfizermectin," an antiviral without ivermectin's long safety record or low price. I had some ivermectin, purchased when I was enthusiastic about the stuff after watching episodes of the Dark Horse Podcast with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying. First, I made sure I could get more

COVID Vaccines Altering Blood Sugar, Electrolyte Balance

"My insulin requirements skyrocketed after being vaccinated," writes Steve Kirsch . Kirsch says he's a type 2 diabetic who controls his blood sugar with insulin, and didn't understand why his need for insulin suddenly changed. But he found a small study of people who used the Chinese SinoVac vaccine which showed healthy volunteers' HBA1C all went up--in some cases, to prediabetic levels . From the study, To our surprise, quite consistent increases in HbA1c levels were observed in healthy volunteers, regardless of whether they belonged to cohort A or B. By day 28 post the 1st inoculation, three out of 11 individuals reached the prediabetic range (Fig. ​(Fig.2c).2c ). By days 42 and 90, medium HbA1c levels appeared to revert back, yet were still significantly higher than those before vaccination. Kirsch isn't alone. Dr. Richard Bernstein, an author, researcher and clinician with type 1 diabetes who pioneered home blood sugar testing, says his blood sugar droppe