A "sensible diet" must be the one of the hardest things to figure out, even for a sensible person. There's always been conflicting advice, but with medical studies in respected journals being retracted and authorities admitting they were wrong about fat, and various laymen flip-flopping on dietary advice, we're living in confusing times. This post is to help readers sort it out for themselves. First, what is "sensible," or more to the point, what is the truth? I think it's something that meets one or more of these criteria: Something observable, directly or indirectly Something that stands up to scrutiny (i.e., it's not a trick) Something that fits with everything else you know Something that can be used to reliably predict other things Note that something sensible or truthful isn't necessarily balanced, it doesn't matter who does or doesn't believe in it, or how long it's been around. It's independent of all those t
Do-it-yourself health. Low-carb, mostly evolutionary.