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Showing posts from November, 2022

Dr. Mike Eades is Back with a New Blog

Mike Eades, who wrote a book on low-carb diets with his wife back when hamburgers were called a heart attack on a bun, is back with a new blog called The Arrow. Eades is a study wonk, a former clinician, a voracious reader, and his blog Protein Power was what I'd have picked if I could have only read one blog besides my own.  His latest post covers a cherry extract pain reliever, an AI image generator, the adherer effect, and more. Check it out !

Use Green Tomatoes to Make Salsa

If you still have green tomatoes on the vine, you can make green salsa with them. It's tangier, the chunks are firmer than regular salsa, and it's unlike anything you can buy at the store. Recipe here .  Green tomato salsa.

More COVID Clawbacks and Backpedaling

Apologize, Reinstate, Compensate From the Epoch Times, UK Member of Parliament Danny Kruger said a few weeks ago , “ I put on record that in hindsight I am particularly ashamed of my vote to dismiss care workers who did not want to receive the vaccine. I very much hope that the 40,000 care workers who lost their jobs can be reinstated, and indeed compensated.” The Epoch Times says, "COVID-19 vaccinations were made compulsory for all staff working in care homes [nursing homes] in England from November 11, 2021." From the same article, Alan Miller of Together Declaration observes, "With over 40,000 lost and 165,000 shortfall, with 13,000 beds not being released in the NHS and 500,000 awaiting care they need to be, as our Together Care Workers campaign insists: apologised to; reinstated; and compensated." Yet "some care homes are still insisting on no jab no job policies." It's now widely accepted that COVID vaccines do not stop spread; the fact has bee