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Monoclonal Antibody Pause

With the emergence of the Omicron variant, the federal government has "paused" distribution of Regeneron, since it doesn't work as well against Omicron. But there's still a lot of delta out there (it's 99% of cases here in Indiana) and some places are running out of monoclonal antibodies, and the federal government is actively preventing states from getting them. In the US, call 211 if you're a candidate for monoclonal antibodies (COVID positive, mild to moderate symptoms within ten days of onset, and at high risk for progression of the illness). They might still have some where you live.

If you're ivermectin-curious, now is the time to order some since many hospitals and pharmacists are actively preventing patients from getting it even when it's prescribed. I'm not a medical professional, and I don't know for a fact that it works on COVID. But there's little else available for early treatment, it does have anti-viral properties in the lab and mechanisms that could very possibly neutralize COVID, and it has a long safety record. 

Whatever you do, keep minimizing your risk factors: take your vitamin D, maintain normal blood sugar, do your best to lose excess weight. I'm getting on the scale every day. Avoid crowds and get some fresh air. Joining a crowd of people to get a test when you don't have any symptoms doesn't make any sense, nor does running to the emergency room just because you have a positive test. Stay calm and avoid exposure to sick people.

The good news is that the Omicron variant is far milder than delta; some have even called it a live attenuated vaccine. From what I saw on TV news when I was in Cleveland (I don't watch it at home), the vaccine reduced risk of Omicron for ten weeks. Data from South Africa, Denmark and the UK actually look like vaccination makes you more likely to get COVID after that. 


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