Looks like the pandemic is over. So it would seem, now that we're no longer being lectured to stay home or "wait two weeks! The protestors will all be in the hospital!" The "protests" here are astroturf. People in Indianapolis don't protest things that happen in Minnesota. There was a protest here about a local the police shot--a man speeding, running red lights, then allegedly firing on the police. Both the officer and suspect were black. But the protest was weeks ago and mostly peaceful. The people tearing up downtown this weekend were--well, you be the judge. Note the 404 phone number below isn't local. A bail bond hotline--just what every nice young girl needs. Caught throwing molotov cocktails? Antifa has your back with bail money. Today, the police here warned people to stay out of downtown. The mayor set a city-wide 8 PM curfew whose violation carries a $10,000 fine and six months in jail; it showed up as an emergency alert on ever
Do-it-yourself health. Low-carb, mostly evolutionary.