If you're waiting on COVID cult leaders to tell you it's OK to get together for Christmas or Thanksgiving, you might as well give away your turkey pan and stock up on fish sticks. If you're waiting on the cult leaders to tell you to shuck the mask, you'll be observing modesty laws forever. As long as COVID is around--probably forever--they're going to tell you to hide from it.
We have monoclonal antibodies, steroids, ivermectin (which I think works, at a minimum, as an antiviral), and probably soon we'll have Pfizermectin and Ivermercktin (antiviral pills from Pfizer and Merck). Unless you're at high risk, why worry?
We know the shots do little to prevent infection or spread, which leaves herd immunity. The only thing lockdowns do is delay getting there.
I'm going out to eat on Thanksgiving, and I don't care how crowded the restaurant is. (My cousin and her husband in Ohio went to spend Thanksgiving with family in Kansas and stopped by on the way.) I spent part of Friday in a room with a few dozen other people who'd been called for jury duty, and I'll probably have to report again in December. I might as well enjoy an hour at a restaurant.
Thanksgiving weekend, I wouldn't be surprised to see some cult leaders caught celebrating like it's 2019. Aren't cult leaders often caught with their pants--in this case, their masks--down? It's the only time they leave the cult!