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Cardiologist Warns of Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis

Cardiologist Peter McCullough talks about vaccine-induced myocarditis with biologist Bret Weinstein. I've transcribed highlights and found links to back up Dr. McCullough's statements. I had a hard time confirming his statements about background rates vs. VAERS reports (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System): myocarditis/pericarditis reports for the US total 4,242 according to (accessed today); they total 19,039 if you include "nondomestic" (foreign) reports. However, the CDC's own report on slide 8 shows rates of myocarditis many times above the background rate for young men and boys. In fairness, though--almost all of these sources were difficult to find. 

Link to the video is here

Our vaccine program would have been shut down in February for excess mortality in America--it would have been very similar to the swine flu vaccine in 1976.

Our tolerance for new biologics and death is five cases gets a black box [warning], 50 cases, it's off the market, it doesn't matter if it's causally related or not, it's off the market...there's no assumption of causality.

On three occasions, they've reviewed the deaths, they've summarily dismissed them being caused by the vaccines. Scientists in my circle don't buy that at all.

The mortality rate [of the COVID vaccines] by all expert analyses is unacceptably high: 18,000 people in the VAERS system, about half of those are domestic Americans that have died with the vaccine. There is very good work done with the CMS data suggesting the underreporting factor is about five, so if you take 9,000 x 5, that's 45,000, 50,000. That's conservative. It could be greater.

There's now a situation where there's a cavalier attitude with respect to death.

Now you have myocarditis.  The FDA agrees that the vaccine can cause myocarditis. They agreed in June based on a universe of 200 cases that were reviewed, it was clear it was in younger children--it was serious. Ninety percent required hospitalization. They had syndromes: chest pain, symptoms of heart failure, elevated cardiotriponins, higher than we see in a heart attack...About a quarter in the FDA review already had some incipient heart failure. They had abnormal echocardiograms. They needed drugs to prevent heart failure or active treatment of heart failure. We had in the NEJM a fatal case reported, we had a fatal case from Korea.

And then to go fast forward, from 200 cases that the FDA and CDC agreed on in June, to 11,000 cases in VAERS, and I can tell you these are the ones that are certified. I've reported myocarditis cases as a doctor and you get called by the CDC. You go over all the lab reports and there's an agreement that the vaccine caused myocarditis.

Tracy Hoeg reported from UC Davis thousands of cases using VAERS and VSAFE ages 12-17 explosive myocarditis with the second shot of mRNA vaccine, boys way more than girls, and in fact Tracy's estimates are the real rate of myocarditis is at least 50% greater than what the CDC ever projected. She still found 86% required hospitalization. The most shocking thing of the analysis was that a child age 12-17 is more likely to be hospitalized with myocarditis than taking your chances with COVID. 

A parallel analysis by Ron Kostoff looking at death, death after the vaccine in any age group is more likely than taking your chances with COVID. Both of those analyses were presented by external reviewers to the FDA at the adolescent and childhood meetings and they weren't disputed. 

The background rate of myocarditis is four cases per one million per year. [I couldn't find a source for this--here is the CDC's information on myocarditis, which acknowledges the adverse events are higher than the background rate.] And in the US, we have roughly half of the population below age 50. We have 160 million people below age 50. We should have 640 cases of myocarditis per year--that is a background rate. So far, our VAERS system has 11,000 cases. We are far beyond the background rate. We know that the spike protein is the injurious element of the vaccine and the cell type that actually looks like it's involved in myocarditis is called the pericyte which is around capillaries in the heart and the cardiomyocytes.

If the kids take some heart damage, and even if it's transitory, is there a risk? In Circulation Research in 2019, looking at myocarditis before COVID, myocarditis in general that comes from parvo virus, various forms of adenoviruses, etc., the rate of permanent damage and going poorly over time in this group of people is about 13%. That number is high. If that number holds for vaccine induced myocarditis, and I anticipate it will, I think that an extraordinary number of young individuals that is going to have permanent heart damage--we're talking about the development of heart failure, the need for heart failure medications, risk for cardiac death and things we have to do about that including implantable defibrillators, some children going all the way to heart transplantation. There shouldn't be a single case of excess myocarditis. Not one case is acceptable, let alone be sitting on 11,000.

The FDA statements on myocarditis are reprehensible and reckless. They said myocarditis was mild and rare. It wasn't mild--90% of the kids were in the hospital. Anything that causes hospitalization is a serious adverse event. It is never classified as mild. Never. They said it was rare because they took 200 cases and divided it by the universe of people who got the vaccine. We can't do that because we didn't assess everybody for myocarditis. We don't know if it's rare. When we see a signal in safety like this, we use the term tip of the iceberg

There's a paper that's published in the American College of Pediatrics [American Academy of Pediatrics] that asked the question in 2016, who reports to VAERS? About 14% of the time, it's the patient or the patient's family that reports to VAERS. 86% of the time, it's another entity that really was concerned that the product caused the problems. That means doctors, nurses, the person who administered the vaccine, the pharmaceutical companies who receive this. This VAERS data is real, and I've heard people say that anybody can report things to VAERS. I've filled out the VAERS sheet. Every single page says Warning: falsification is punishable by imprisonment or fines. 11,000 cases is serious, and the number is going to be much larger. 

If you look at the registrational trials in children, the one by Frank & colleagues in adolescents, 40% of the kids who get the vaccines develop fever as high as 40 degrees, they develop muscle aches, body aches, they feel very sick after shot #1 and shot #2. That constitutional syndrome could mask some chest pain that would be missed myocarditis. As a clinician who's seen this, I can tell you I am suspicious the rates of myocarditis are going to be astronomical. 

More sources:

"Occurrence and Features of Childhood Myocarditis: A Nationwide Study in Finland"

The SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein disrupts human cardiac pericytes function through CD147 receptor-mediated signalling: a potential non-infective mechanism of COVID-19 microvascular disease

Management of Myocarditis-Related Cardiomyopathy in Adults

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System plays vital role in safety :


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