"My insulin requirements skyrocketed after being vaccinated," writes Steve Kirsch . Kirsch says he's a type 2 diabetic who controls his blood sugar with insulin, and didn't understand why his need for insulin suddenly changed. But he found a small study of people who used the Chinese SinoVac vaccine which showed healthy volunteers' HBA1C all went up--in some cases, to prediabetic levels . From the study, To our surprise, quite consistent increases in HbA1c levels were observed in healthy volunteers, regardless of whether they belonged to cohort A or B. By day 28 post the 1st inoculation, three out of 11 individuals reached the prediabetic range (Fig. ​(Fig.2c).2c ). By days 42 and 90, medium HbA1c levels appeared to revert back, yet were still significantly higher than those before vaccination. Kirsch isn't alone. Dr. Richard Bernstein, an author, researcher and clinician with type 1 diabetes who pioneered home blood sugar testing, says his blood sugar droppe...
Do-it-yourself health. Low-carb, mostly evolutionary.