Cartoonist Scott Adams admitted the other day that the "anti-vaxxers"--meaning people who didn't want an experimental COVID shot--had "won." Like Emily "we were all in the dark" Oster , he chalked up his loss to bad luck instead of his own bad judgment. I would like to publicly apologize for continuously ignoring the "accurate data" on Covid that people sent me for three years. But just so I don't make that mistake again, is there a separate list of the strangers I should trust to know which data is the good stuff? — Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) January 24, 2023 Sorry, Scott, but there's no substitute for doing your own research using primary sources and learning how to read those sources. It's like the first three rules from Joel Greenblatt's book You can be a Stock Market Genius : Do your own work. Don't trust anyone over 30. Don't trust anyone 30 or under. Get it? Sinking your fortune or your health into somet
Do-it-yourself health. Low-carb, mostly evolutionary.