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Vaxxed Overrepresented in Indiana COVID Cases & UK Deaths

For the first time, the vaccinated account for over half of the past week's COVID cases in Indiana. They made up 55% of cases, while 54% of Hoosiers are vaccinated. This is based on records I compile using data from Indiana's coronavirus website and the Regenstrief website that shows hospitalizations here. Click image to enlarge.

Numbers at 12/30/21 are likely off due to delays in reporting over Christmas.

COVID is spreading like a brush fire through the highly vaccinated office where I work, where there's been more coughing and sneezing in the past week than I've heard in two years. Coworkers are grabbing up tests, even as some of them doubt negative results. Why they bother to take a test if they're already so sure of the outcome that they doubt the result, I don't know. A few unvaccinated coworkers and I haven't been among the sick so far.

The table shows a small proportion of breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated, but keep in mind Indiana considers you vaccinated if you've had two shots of Pfizer or Moderna or one of J&J no matter how long ago they were. It doesn't matter whether you're boosted or how long ago you had your shots. Most of the shots were given early in 2021 and only 24% of Hoosiers are boosted. Despite efficacy against hospitalization and death having worn off, the rates have been fairly steady since October.

Indiana isn't alone: the UK is showing negative efficacy (i.e., more harm than good) from the vaccines not only in cases, but deaths. Unlike Indiana, the UK specifies cases and deaths among the unjabbed, double-jabbed and boosted, and the double-jabbed are doing worse than the refusers. Just something to think about before getting boosted. 

For anyone paying attention, it's game over. As Dr. Michael Eades puts it in the latest issue of The Arrow,

Now, the administrations 'new' narrative sounds a whole lot like the Great Barrington Declaration. Let's care for the vulnerable. Don't test if you don't have symptoms. If you do test positive and develop symptoms, don't PCR test again after the symptoms are gone as the PCR can stay positive for up to 12 weeks. Just wait for a couple of days after symptoms have cleared and go back to work.

Everything but one has changed. The powers that be realize they can't restrain an infectious, aerosol-spread virus with lockdowns, masks, social distancing and the rest of the song and dance they've been going through. They can't even stop it with the current vaccines. In fact, more people get it per capita who have been vaccinated than who are unvaxxed.

Our leaders (some of them, anyway) are finally realizing what the data showed months or years ago and acting accordingly. What the wise man does in the beginning, the fool does in the end. 

Photo from Pexels.


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