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Beyond Back to Normal

Four years ago, I was headed for disability. I mowed my lawn in sections over a period of days. I was so exhausted at the end of workdays that I held assignments until I could review them the next day. I often found mistakes. 

Three years ago, I was up to rehabbing my garage, but after a few hours' work I felt like I'd been run over. Progress was slow. 

Yesterday, though, I mowed the lawn, finished painting the fence, put up a trellis, planted a honeysuckle under it, put down two bags of mulch and two bags of top soil, fixed the gate, touched up the paint on that fence, and painted the Great Stuff on the house. This may be the most I've ever gotten done in one day. For the first time in my life, a long to-do list became a to-done list in one day. 

The weather helped: it was 55-78 degrees and not very humid. I took a lot of breaks. But still--I got it all done. I am now beyond back to normal.

Regular readers know I follow Dr. William Davis's program over at I credit his program for regaining my health. (I'm not an affiliate and don't get any consideration for sending people his way.)

* * * * *

Speaking of gardening, have you seen this year's Chelsea Flower Show? I don't think there's anything else like it: there are hundreds of elaborate gardens and displays in an area the size of eight football fields. A common theme this year is sustainability--or what used to be called weeds and junk. (They call wildflowers weeds in England, just like American lawn care guys do.) I love wildflowers and I'm all for reusing stuff. Keep this in mind as you look at the humble pictures showing what I've been up to this weekend. They might not be impressive, but I'm doing my bit for sustainability.

The fence I finished staining (it'll make it last longer); the trellis (old shelving that came with the house); a brush pile of twigs that won't go through the chipper (wildlife likes brush piles); and some old bricks around the new (noninvasive) honeysuckle. The neighbor's garage is painted to match mine with leftover paint. Tres chic!

The garden paths of cardboard, dried ornamental grass and mulch from last year held up pretty well. Today I made a bug net for my cabbage and zucchini so I don't have to spray them. Native roses have climbed up and over the fence. Three of the pots by the house contain native winterberries; two more have vigorous clematis that will hopefully climb the trellises and help cool the house. Biggs just wants to play ball.


My yard on May 27, 2019. I spent that Memorial Day weekend digging out landscape fabric (and a lot of weeds) along the fences shown. It wore me out!

Others might not like the amount of work it takes to keep up a house and garden, but I am very grateful to have the energy to do it. 


It does take time and energy to keep up a house and garden .... so pleased you are doing well.

Here in the UK, we've just enjoyed a lovely spring Bank Holiday weekend, the weather has been wonderfully sunny.

I haven't seen any of this years Chelsea Garden Show, I must catch up with it!

Enjoy the remainder of May, hard to believe it will be June on Thursday.

All the best Jan
Lori Miller said…
Hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend too, Jan.

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