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Totalfat: Encouragement!

Japan, of all places, has given the world a band called Totalfat. I don't know the story behind their name, but one of their songs ("Place to Try") should be encouraging to someone fighting the well-meaning meddling of people trying to get them to eat lessfat. Even if you don't speak Japanese, the song should encourage you to eat morefat.

English translation from
I'm almost at the end
My legs are ready to give, but I can't give up yet
Now is the time to go

Together we will pave, the path towards our dreams
They call me, beckon me closer
It's not crazy
Fight and fight, try and try for you

I will always be there
Don't give up, not yet
The future is waiting for us

There's nothing to fear so let's get moving
This is a place to try

Today is ending and we're heading for tomorrow
Take my hand and never let go
Let's sing loudly
We are the ones for the future


Well !!

Certainly different ....... !!

Not a song to lull you to sleep LOL

All the best Jan
Lori Miller said…
That's what potato chips are for.
Galina L. said…
I know, that post is actually not about fat, but I feel like sharing some fat-facts. I just came back from a 5-days mountain-skiing trip my husband impulsively bought . It was nice to be on snowy slopes again after a 12-years break.
The only downside - I found myself on a low-fat fare there - no food stores close-by in a small resort Colorado town, at least they had omelet in the hotel (from commercial ready-to-cook mix) and sausages besides regular grains-based food and sweet yogurts and juices, only margarine and half-and-half sources of fat in a breakfast buffet. In a mountain restaurant they served everything low-fat, even barbecued meat and burgers. They cooked on a buttery-flavored soybean oil. The surprising result of a such diet was a constipation, which I usually never had, not an excessive appetite. The Starbucks coffee in an airport on my way back home with a really generous amount of heavy cream was an instant cure. Next time I will take with me a coconut oil in order to be on a safe side.
Beware - there are some fat deserts out there.
Lori Miller said…
I was at a restaurant yesterday where they didn't have any salt.

And I HATE low-fat burgers. I literally choked on one last year, it was so tough and dry.

I like the term "fat desert." As I wrote a few years ago, low brow is best for low carb. Sadly, though, the 7-11 down the street no longer has wings or plain pork rinds.
Lori Miller said…
Just to clarify, the restaurant wasn't out of salt--they simply didn't stock it. I'm sure coworkers wonder at the fact that I go to McDonald's sometimes--it's because I can get sufficient fat and a friggin' packet of salt there. For all that some people look down their noses at McDonald's, it's also quiet, attractive, and well-staffed (at least, the one I go to).
Galina L. said…
The fear of salt is another idiotic modern food trend.
McDonalds provides for many children the year-round safe playgrounds - nice alternative to TV and video games. People like to blame fast food industry, while it is people's choice to blame. However, I prefer fast food places with grilled burgers like Burger King and especially Hardees.
Lori Miller said…
People often say, "Ooh, that has so much fat and salt" (which are necessary nutrients), when they should be saying, "Ooh, that has so much starch and sugar" (not necessary nutrients).

I just don't get the vilification of fast food. You can buy a cartload of crap at the grocery store. You can get some meat and vegetables that are comparable to the food at other restaurants at a burger joint.

If you come out West again, Hardees is called Carl's Junior here, in case you didn't know.
Galina L. said…
I saw Carl's Juniors fast food places from our car window on our way back to the Denver airport. I wondered if it was the same company as Hardees because they had exactly the same styling of the icon. BTW, Starbucks is the excellent choice in low-fat emergencies - they stock a heavy cream free from caraginan, and you can always request it to be put into your coffee. I was even thinking about buying my heavy cream from them, but right now it is a light cream from BJ for me.
Right now they invited a registered dietitian and are telling on our local morning news about the energy-providing foods for the children because school children in out city are having some important test today or tomorrow - again the whole grains are the foundation of a healthy diet (especially when there are some exotic amaranths or chea seeds), whole grain low-sugar blueberry waffles is the excellent choice because it is the source of healthy carbs and antioxidants(in blueberries) which suppose to improve the blood flow to the brain. At least nuts are recommended as the best snack for the children, and low-sugar is emphasized, but low-saturated fat is still the strong trend. I was listening to it only in order not to miss the detailed weather forecast.
Another modern trend - healthy food should be expensive, not nutrients-dense and preferably exotic, or you would be eating like plebs who live on a dollar McD menu.
Lori Miller said…
Sorry it took so long to post your comment--I didn't see it in my email.

Yay--dessert for breakfast! I'm reading A Year of No Sugar, and when the author sees a kid eating waffles and juice for breakfast, she wonders whether the parents would also approve of cake and soda for breakfast.

One of those plebs who eats at McDonald's is Warren Buffett.
Almond said…
They had to make the entree low-fat so you would have enough appetite to order dessert afterwards.

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