It happened recently on the morning I finally learned how to make hollandaise sauce. I'd just watched Julia Child make it on Youtube and got so into it I that before I knew it, I'd used the whole stick of butter to make my sauce. It was just enough for two servings of eggs benedict. What can I say, I was hungry.
A lady recently went off about how little food $115 buys, complaining that the pile of (mostly) junk food she bought wouldn't make a week's worth of lunches and snacks for her children. Sad to say, but this looks like what I see in a lot of grocery carts. Fat — shellshock (@shellshockkk) March 7, 2025 Coincidentally, I paid almost exactly the same amount today on groceries that would make lots of healthy lunches. It's filling food that won't leave you hungry every few hours for snacks. If we want to make America healthy again, this is the way.
Would your wife like substitutes for bread and rice? The best bread recipe I've found is coconut-flax bread in The Fat Fast Cookbook by Dana Carpender. Prep time is about 15 minutes and you'll need a food processor. Rice is easy to substitute with cauliflower. There's a recipe called Rice-A-Phony in 500 Paleo Recipes by Dana Carpender. It tastes *exactly* the way I remember Rice-A-Roni. (You can probably find similar recipes online.) But then, some things taste different from what I remember, like french fries. I don't know why ever liked the things.
All the best Jan
I take probiotics anytime I take antibiotics, but I'm not familiar with grape seed extract or what it's supposed to do.