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Book Deal: Pandemia by Alex Berenson is $2.99

What more could you possibly want to hear about the pandemic, you might be wondering. I had my doubts, too, but I finally ended up buying Pandemia because Alex Berenson's spicy takes have been more entertaining than anything I've read in a long time. I'm glad I got the book. I'm still in the middle of listening to it on my long commute, but I'm recommending it now because the Kindle version is on sale. Get this book! It's informative, it's well-researched, it's engrossing, you'll say, "I remember when that happened!" It has information that even I hadn't come across.  Having covered the pharmaceutical industry long before the pandemic, Berenson was scooping the rest of the media by months in his reporting on the vaccines. He was ultimately banned from Twitter for saying that COVID vaccines didn't prevent infection or transmission--facts repeated yesterday by Anthony Fauci and others a few days ago in the New England Journal of Medic

Shopping for Scarce Items

Even though there haven't been runs on groceries or other supplies for over a year, some of the shelves are still bare. Nevertheless, I've found most of what I've been looking for: garden shrubs, holiday tea, flavoring, supplements and ivermectin. I'm not affiliated with any of these vendors. Bottlebrush plant ( fothergilla gardenii) Photo from dasfarms at Etsy I'm going to plant the last strip of grass by the sidewalk with native perennials and a few bottlebrush plants next year. I have the perennial seeds--some of them are already stratifying in the refrigerator--but I wanted a few bottlebrush plants, too. It's a North American shrub with fragrant blooms that look like--well, bottle brushes in the spring. The fall color is beautiful. But the dwarf size is hard to find! I finally found some at dasfarms on Etsy, a shop with lots of positive reviews at Dave's Garden . The owner said the mature size depends on soil and water. They'll be going on a south-fa

This Just In: Triple-Jabbed Getting COVID

Some experts have finally gotten the memo that this ISN'T a pandemic of the unvaccinated--by getting COVID themselves. Twelve "super responsible," "risk-averse," triple-jabbed doctors and "health experts" attended a wedding in Wisconsin and caught COVID. They've since infected at least five people, according to the San Francisco Chronicle .  The five people mentioned in the tweet below were at the wedding.  At least five omicron COVID cases detected in Berkeley and Alameda County. They are part of an outbreak involving 12 total cases linked to a wedding held in Wisconsin last weekend. @sfchronicle — Aidin Vaziri (@MusicSF) December 4, 2021 It's time to " stop calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated ," said Dr. Deb Furr Holden, an epidemiologist who thinks she contracted COVID at the wedding.  Two cheers for Dr. Holden for admitting this--I'd give her three if she went a little further: the mandatory v

Leading the Way in the Fight Against COVID!

As our dear leaders warn about surge upon surge of the coronavirus, wag their fingers at the unmasked, and lecture the unboosted, they're living like it's 2019 after five o'clock.  Less than a month after Finland's prime minister worried about the burden on hospitals , she was caught clubbing after being exposed to COVID . Although the PM is vaccinated, it should be common sense and common knowledge by now that vaccinated people can easily spread COVID. T heir neighbors in Iceland figured this out back in August --" A nd it has come to light that vaccinated individuals can contract it relatively easily and spread infection. Sequencing has shown us that the origin of most domestic infections can be traced to group events such as clubbing in downtown Reykjavík or group trips abroad," said their Chief Epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason. Here in the states, mask/vax fanatics Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden were caught with their masks down. Screen shot from "Democra

Hospitals Abandoning Vaccine Mandates

The COVID-19 vaccine mandates are going up in smoke as hospital systems across the country are "pausing" them for employees. The recent injunctions on federal mandates didn't stop private employers from requiring vaccinations, but several major private hospital systems have changed course anyway. The surge in COVID hospitalizations in northern states, along with the shortage of health care workers that has nothing to do with making them get an experimental injection,  might have encouraged the change in their policies. Here in Indiana, the House has drafted bills to officially end our "state of emergency" and outlaw forced COVID vaccinations . Under the bill, employers with a vaccine mandate would have to offer and pay for a testing option.  In DC, Joe Manchin of West Virginia has become the first Democrat senator to support a bill initiated by Indiana's Mike Braun to overturn the OSHA vaccine mandate . Somewhere, I read that West Virginia would be more har

This is Why we Don't Believe Experts or the Media

Photo from Pexels . Worst Surge Ever That's the warning over at  our local Fox affiliate . After quoting doctors warning about surge upon surge and massive ramifications and not enough beds in the city,  the article quotes Dr. Paul Calkins, the Associate Chief Medical Executive at IU Health: “There may be a few people alive that saw the flu kill millions of people in 1918 but other than those people nobody has ever seen anything like this before,” Dr. Calkins said. Oh really. Hospitalizations (both with and because of COVID) are surging, but deaths are not.  From To be charitable, maybe he's talking about the COVID pandemic in general and he was quoted out of context. But the article, with the headline about the WORST SURGE EVER (referring to Community Health's contingency plans) makes it sound like the pandemic is worse than ever right now . But anybody who goes to the state's coronavirus website can see that's a wild exaggeration.