Five years ago when I was moving, I'd have gone to California if money had been no object: the natural beauty, the climate, and family there made it one of my favorite places. But Indiana, being far cheaper, became my new home--and I'm glad money was an object. Part of the reason is their overregulation. But t hose executive orders California's governor has been writing with regard to COVID--over 50 of them!--have been voided in court . The governor ignored the state's separation of powers, a tenet of our system of government that keeps power from being concentrated and keeps our government from being tyrannical--or at least stops it in progress. Meanwhile, the mayor of Denver, my hometown, issued a 10 PM curfew punishable by fine . The mayor said it's not a curfew and it's not a law enforcement order. It's obviously a curfew enforced by law, and useless, too, as I know of no evidence that the virus is more likely to spread at night. Most gatherings there w...
Do-it-yourself health. Low-carb, mostly evolutionary.