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Laughs about LARPing in Washington State

"In a world within our world they created a world unlike any other world." I don't know whether the people who've taken over a few blocks in Seattle are mostly LARPing (live action role playing). Youtubers Tim Pool and Styxhexenhammer666  think so. I just know I needed a break from all bad news. The movie Knights of Badassdom gives us a look at LARPing and it's knee-slapping funny. It's free on Amazon Prime.

Cops Boot Agitators, Dance with Civilians

What the world needs: more dancing, more cooperation and conversation, less agitation. Such was the scene after protests in Lincoln, Nebraska that were "hijacked by bad actors and agitators," according to the mayor.  Rioters threw rocks, bottles and razor blades at police, injuring several of them. Vandals and arsonists did tens of millions of dollars in damage and the National Guard was called out. Scores of people were arrested--some some of them were from outside Nebraska. It's an hour's drive from Lincoln to the nearest state. The nearest major cities outside Nebraska--Des Moines and Kansas City--are three hours away. The mayor issued a curfew that, it seems, enabled the police to get the bad actors out of the way. They started having "difficult and necessary conversations," and agreed to continue those conversations with the community every month. I hope it works. In any case, it looks like the people who want to defund the police--yes, that

Are Paid Rioters Real? Sheriff Grady has the Receipts

Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County, Florida gave a press conference a few days ago putting citizens and professional rioters alike on notice, showing pictures of someone in professional riot gear and what looked like a staged accident. "This guy has a professional mask on, professional clothes that are designed to seal out pepper spray or any chemical agents. This person was here to create problems. Local police officers and deputies said we noticed cars with out-of-county and out-of-state plates. We saw that the antagonists that were at Florida(?) Boulevard, the ones that were generating the energy, were not local folks. They came here to do nothing to create problems. "I want to show you this picture. You see the guy standing on top of the car? This red car supposedly bumped into or hit a protestor standing in the middle of the road. We still don't know who that protestor is. The city police have said over and over, if you were the victim, if you were hit, come forw

Protests Turn into Love Fests

In places where things have calmed down, scenes like this are playing out: "The protestors and the rioters are two different groups of people." 1:08 I believe her. The protesters here a few weeks ago after Sean Reed was killed were mostly peaceful--in any case, they weren't destroying property. Over the past few days, I've seen several videos of black people telling white people to stop tearing up their neighborhoods. What is it with overpriveleged white youth and vandalism? In the upper-middle-class neighborhood where I grew up, my car was vandalized several times. In the fairly seedy part of Denver where I used to live, it was egged once or twice. It's never happened here in Indianapolis--but maybe it's because I never park on the street. Cars get broken into quite a bit if there's anything in them worth taking, but I hardly ever hear about one being vandalised. In any case, with the troublemakers out of the way, the protesters and police came f

GoFundMe Springing Arrestees; Rooftop Koreans Make a Comeback

While looters, rioters, arsonists, and murderers are devastating cities, GoFundMe's "justice and equity fund" is bailing them out. These aren't individual accounts--this is their corporate fund . For offshore readers, Bail is a process by which you pay a set amount of money to obtain your release from police custody . As part of your release, you promise to appear in court for all of your scheduled criminal proceedings. If you show up to court as promised, the bail amount will be returned. If not, you will be subject to arrest and you will forfeit the bail amount. Judges consider various factors in setting the bail amount. But a woke charity bailing you out isn't one of them. I live in Indianapolis where bail is so low as to be meaningless. It's all the police can do to re-catch criminals and put them back in jail. One of those criminals got out on $25 bail after carjacking my neighbor--and came back and did it again. A neighbor posted his jail paperwork

Barbarians, Virus Ejected

Looks like the pandemic is over. So it would seem, now that we're no longer being lectured to stay home or "wait two weeks! The protestors will all be in the hospital!" The "protests" here are astroturf. People in Indianapolis don't protest things that happen in Minnesota. There was a protest here about a local the police shot--a man speeding, running red lights, then allegedly firing on the police. Both the officer and suspect were black. But the protest was weeks ago and mostly peaceful. The people tearing up downtown this weekend were--well, you be the judge. Note the 404 phone number below isn't local. A bail bond hotline--just what every nice young girl needs. Caught throwing molotov cocktails? Antifa has your back with bail money. Today, the police here warned people to stay out of downtown. The mayor set a city-wide 8 PM curfew whose violation carries a $10,000 fine and six months in jail; it showed up as an emergency alert on ever

Flowers and Iron

This weekend, I was well enough to wear myself out doing landscape projects. I added to my shade garden, then spaded up an 8x30 foot plot on the corner. The next day, I put down some old bed sheets donated by a neighbor, weighted them down with bricks, and started setting out a hundred home-grown perennials in Xs cut in the sheets. It was hot, sunny and humid. Halfway through, a storm was coming. I worried the sheets would billow up in the wind and break some of the plants, so I threw down two bags of mulch, grabbed the clothes off the line, went inside and watched the rain come down in sheets. When it stopped I finished planting, looking like someone from Dirty Jobs when it was over. Being too tired to cook, I got a low-carb burger and small fries at the drive-through and came back home. In spite of two days' hard work, from the street, the house looked like hippies lived there: tall grass, a missing picket, and of course the bed sheets and plants that were all either little o