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Black Friday Deals for Good Health

Here are some great Black Friday deals--all ONLINE--that can benefit your health. I've used most of these products and vendors and recommend them. I'm not an affiliate. 

Vitamins is having a 25% off Black Friday and Cyber Monday site-wide sale. is offering $10 off $50, stackable with a variety of other deals.

Tried and True Supplements I use:

Doctor's Best magnesium (peach powder, unflavored powder, and tablets)

Country Life kelp tablets

Solgar zinc, 22 mg

NOW vitamin D, 5,000 IU

NOW astaxanthin, 4 mg

Jarrow hyaluronic acid, 120 mg

Solaray vitamin C tablets, 485 mg

Collagen Powder, Dips, Dressings, Mayo and Sauces

Primal Kitchen products--all made without added sugar or Frankenfoods--are on sale. If you remember Mark Sisson from the Mark's Daily Apple blog, Primal Kitchen is his company. (25% off this week only) (25% off) (20% off)

I love their vanilla, peanut butter and chocolate-mint collagen powders (chocolate-mint is half off at Primal Kitchen), chicken dippin' sauce, special sauce, Korean barbecue sauce, buffalo sauce, and mayonnaise. I'm not a fan of the pasta and pizza sauces I've tried--they're too bland and dark for me.

Improve your Sleep with a Dark Bedroom

I did this by accident. A few months ago, I discovered insect mud nests in my bedroom window and had the windows replaced. The blinds I'd taken off--thick, heavy, and dusty--never went back up. When I saw the price of mini-blinds ($300 for two windows!) I looked for curtains and ordered these from Amazon. They're not true blackout curtains, but they do block about 80% of the light. The blue ones aren't on sale, but some of the other colors are. Tip: use a thick, sturdy curtain rod with them, preferably with a center bracket--they're heavy. 

If you want your room even darker, you could hop on the dark, moody interiors trend. Conventional wisdom is that dark colors are depressing, but you might find them soothing, sophisticated or cozy. My favorite paint brand isn't on sale, but you can buy a gallon of Kilz primer at Ace Hardware, which is offering 50% off one item under $30. It will help cover light-colored or glossy paint. 

Vibration Plate for Helping Strength, Bone Density and Tendonitis Recovery

I was skeptical, but using a vibration plate has greatly helped get rid of my tendonitis. A lot of members at the Inner Circle like theirs, too, and Dr. Davis recommends them. LifePro (the brand I have) has some major discounts. 

Vegetable Seeds

There's nothing like the taste of a home-grown tomato, and vegetables grown in good, rich soil may provide more nutrients than commercially grown ones. Burpee is having a Black Friday sale on seeds. They're spendy, but I've found their seeds very reliable and they have some varieties that are hard to find. Here are some seeds that have grown well for me in central Indiana:

Mortgage Lifter tomatoes--heirloom variety that's pink and juicy

Pick-a-Bushel cucumbers--resistant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus, Scab, and MMV

Gypsy peppers--sweet pepper with a high yield

Shooting stars eggplant--thin, tender skin

I'm going to try VF Roma (resistant to Verticillium and Fusarium wilts) for canning


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