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Did I get Floxxed by Antibiotics? Achilles Tendonitis Pain!

The past few months have found me shuffling out of bed in the morning with stiff, painful achilles tendons. I've never experience anything like it, even when I was lindy hopping a couple of nights a week for twelve years.  I also started getting muscle strain last spring after doing normal chores around the house and yard--so much so that I added a chiropractor's YouTube channel to my feed on this site. I have muscle pain in my lower back and sternum that have improved but haven't gone away despite going to a chiropractor IRL.  Be careful of medicines, even if they're topical. Photo from Pexels . All of this happened after taking Cipro antibiotic drops for an eye infection . Cipro is a fluoroquinolone (a type of antibiotic) with a black box warning about tendonitis and tendon rupture, and another warning about "mental health side effects and serious blood sugar disturbances," according to the FDA. The side effects involving tendons, muscles, joints, nerves an
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A Bigger Butt from Lifting Weights

That's what the title should have been for my blog post last June about the benefits I'd seen from strength training . Being happily ignorant of the big butt craze, I went on about losing enough fat to need new pants and lowering my fasting insulin. Maybe I should have been clear that my waist size went down and butt got bigger. (Sorry, no before and after shots--I don't take pictures of my ass.) Photo from Pixabay . The closest thing you'll get to a butt picture here. I only heard about the big butt craze a few days ago when YouTube suddenly started putting a bunch of BBL (Brazilian butt lift) videos in my feed. I have no idea why those came up. But some of the plastic surgeons making the videos have said that it's the riskiest plastic surgery--so risky that some of them won't do it--and that implants you sit on all day are going to move around.  Brave AI lists the risks of BBLs as fat embolism (potentially fatal), high mortality rate (1 in 3,000), loss of fat

Generation X Led the Way out of the Pandemic

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Mild Fermented Pickles Recipe

If you don't like fermented foods because they're too tart or sour, you might like these pickles. There's no vinegar or sharp taste. Even the onions are mild. They're not sweet, either, even though the recipe calls for brown sugar: the bacteria consume most or all of the sugar. They're just mild, savory pickles. There's no need to add culture because cucumbers naturally have  L. plantarum  bacteria on their surface.  Equipment needed 1 quart canning jar* with ring and lid (or fermenting lid) 1 fermentation weight or small, clean stones in a Ziploc baggie Ingredients 1 pound pickling cucumbers** (not salad cucumbers), preferably unwashed 1/4 sweet onion (like Vidalia) 1 teaspoon juniper berries 1 teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns 1/2 teaspoon anise seed 1 tablespoon brown sugar 3 tablespoons pickling salt or other salt without iodine 1/4 teaspoon pickle crisp Filtered water free of chlorine Instructions Rinse the cucumbers in the filtered water

How to block a member on the Inner Circle Forum

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I Strength Trained for a Year--Here's What Happened

No dinky weights! Photo from Unsplash . After years of being frustrated by a lack of energy and carrying around more fat than I wanted to, last year I finally regained enough of my health to start...lifting weights. That might not be conventional wisdom, but it makes more sense than eating less or simply moving more to lose weight and be more energetic. I started in March of last year with a few sessions with a personal trainer who showed me how to work out without hurting my neck. Since then, I've been lifting weights twice a week at home, missing workouts only when I'm sick or doing a lot of landscaping. I use 10- to 25-pound weights and a stability ball. After eight months, I lost enough fat that I had to buy new pants , but more importantly, I've improved my metabolic health and reduced my risk of various diseases of aging. The lab tests I took five months in showed a big drop in fasting insulin--from 4.4 in 2021 to 3.7. Other metabolic markers stayed about the same.  I

Finding Relief from Muscle Strain

I love working in my garden, but lately it's left me feeling like I've been run over. Pruning an eight-foot-tall rose down to two feet to extract a trellis that the rose grew up through and pulled out of the ground, after I'd lifted weights the night before, forced me to take a day of rest.  Aspirin helped, but chronic use of it can lead to ulcers. I wondered if there was still Bacillus coagulans in the yogurt I make, since one of the other strains in the yogurt could have crowded it out. B. coagulans is a bacteria that helps with muscle recovery. I took some packets of it and added a packet to my next yogurt batch, but bacteria don't work like drugs--it can take more time to feel any effects. What helped a lot were some videos from SpineCare Decompression , a YouTube channel run by Dr. Michael Rowe, a chiropractor who makes 10-15 minute videos showing how to use stretching exercises to relieve pain at home. Repeating the stretches every day has given me a lot more flex